AMC (Infection Disease) Sample Questions Set-11

Categories: AMC (Australian Medical Council Computer Adaptive Test Examination)

Question:  A case with genital ulcer with h/o multipartner and signs of meningitis. CSF raises glucose, polymorphonuclear cells predominantly. Which organism is responsible for this?



C. pneumococcus

D. meningococcal

E. treponema palladium


Answer. (e)


Question:  A Case of a patient who presents with a foul smelling cough, high fever with rigor. X-ray was not given but rather described it as showing an opacity in the middle zone with air fluid level, after giving flucloxacillin what is next?

A. Trans pleural drainage

B. water seal drainage

C. aspiration pneumonia

Answer. (a)


Question:  A 35 year old man married with 1 kid, presents with arthralgia, fever 38.9, splenomegaly for 2 weeks. Nothing about lymphadenopathy. FBC normocytic normochromic anemia. What is diagnosis?




D. Hodgkin lymphoma

E. Acute leukemia

Answer. (c)


Question:  0.45, glucose 3.5, cells- Monocytes. With typical features of meningitis, Cause?


B. Enterovirus

C. Meningococcus

D. Pneumococcus

Answer. (b)


Question: That lady presented with meningitis. Her Child had a rash and fever a few days back. Lady’s CSF protein 0.45, glucose 3.5, cells- Monocytes. Cause?


B. Enterovirus

C. Meningococcus


Answer. (b)


Question:  A 21 year old man has left scrotal pain which awakened him at night. No fever, malaise and discharge. On examination, the right scrotum and content is normal. Left scrotum is tender, red and swollen. The Cremasteric test is positive. Pain is reduced initially when the left scrotum is elevated. What is the most appropriate initial investigation?

A. Urine C&S

B. Chlamydia PCR

C. Scrotal USG

D. Needle aspiration

Answer. (c)


Question:  A 21 year old man has left scrotal pain which awakened him at night. No fever, malaise and discharge. On examination, the right scrotum and content is normal. Left scrotum is tender, red and swollen. The Cremasteric test is positive. Pain is reduced initially when the left scrotum is elevated. USG shows hyperechogenicity and increased perfusion of the left scrotum. Which organism is the cause?

A. chlamydia

B. Neisseria gonorrhoea

C. coxaki virus

Answer. (a)


Question: A Young man coming with bloody diarrhea after a trip to Thailand. Few weeks later he developed right sided hypochondrial pain, jaundice and vomiting. What will you diagnose?


B. ulcerative colitis

C. amoebiasis

D. shigelosis


Answer. (c)


Question: Sudanese man with 2 weeks cough etc. His X-ray showed cavitation.


B. Asthma


D. Flu

Answer. (a)


Question: A 74 years old woman presents with confusion and O/E she was found to be febrile and nothing abnormal was detected. She has an ulcer on the lower part of her leg, which has been treated by the community nurse for several months. What will assist in the diagnosis?

A. Urine test

B. Swab of the wound

C. Blood culture

D. CT scan

D. Lumbar puncture

Answer. (d)


Question: A 17 year old girl staying with parents came for routine checkup, stating that she is about to start sex life soon, apart from advice regarding safe sex and contraception. What to advise?

A. chlamydia 6 monthly

B. Pap smear from age of 25

Answer. (b)

Remember that these questions are for practice purposes only and may not reflect the exact format or content of the AMC examination.

It is advised to study a wide range of medical information and clinical abilities in order to get ready for the AMC CAT exam.  Reviewing medical texts, taking review classes, and exercising with practise tests can all be helpful.  It’s also a good idea to become familiar with the layout and structure of the exam to get a better idea of what to expect and when.

I advise  checking the Australian  Medical  Council's official website or getting in touch with them directly for  any available resources  or study materials if you want the most recent and  accurate information regarding the AMC  CAT exam.

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