AMC (Australian Medical Council Computer Adaptive Test Examination) Sample Questions Set-38

Categories: AMC (Australian Medical Council Computer Adaptive Test Examination)

Question: A pregnant woman is diagnosed with hepatitis C antibody. What examination should you do more?



Answer: (a)


Question: Woman was rescued from the fire. She is admitted in the Emergency Department, oxygen is given. Saturation 97%. She is well. She has soot in her mouth. What would you do?

a) Irrigation of pharynx

b) Intubation

c) Increase oxygen

d) Nothing

Answer: (b)


Question: A 25 years old soccer player got injured in his knee during a game. Initially there was pain that subsides after hours. After some days effusions started to expand. Finally when the swelling settles he feels sometimes his knee is locking in full extension and sometimes his leg gives away. What is the diagnosis?

A. Only ant cruciate ligament injury

B. Med meniscus injury

C. lateral collateral ligament injury

D. Medial collateral ligament injury and medial meniscus

Answer: (b)


Question: A resident reports to you that a psychologist from the hospital asks him to write a prescription because he doesn't have time to go to a GP. What should you do?

A. Report to the head doctor.

B. Report to Nurse.

C. Remind residents about confidentiality between him and the psychologist.

Answer: (a)


Question: A jehova witness with carcinoma of caecum, with HB 10g, surgery was planned, she told you, NO BLOOD or Blood products what to do?

a) give erythropoietin until HB12 then do surgery

b) give FFP

c) tell her most likely doesn't need transfusion

d) start pre donation and give (something like autotransfusion)

e) tell her if she need blood she will be given her daughter's blood

Answer: (c)


Question: A pregnant lady 12 weeks with cramping pain came abortion was done. On jehovas witness she doesn’t want to take the anti d injection. What to do?

a) tell her anti d isn't a blood product

b) tell her if she refuses thee will be problem in future baby

c) don't give but take a signed copy of refusal

Answer: (c)


Question: An unconscious man is brought to the emergency department for a motor vehicle accident haemorrhaging profusely, hypotensive and stuporous. You have never met the patient before and no one at your institution knows him. He is wearing a T-shirt that says "Jehovah's witness". What should you do about the blood transfusion?

A. Give the blood

B. Wait for him to awaken enough to sign the consent

C. Wait for the family

D. Seek a court order

E. Give intravenous fluids alone

Answer: (a)


Question: A 25 year old Jehovah's Witness man is scheduled for emergency surgery following a motor vehicle accident in which he sustained pelvic fractures. The patient is competent and lucid before the surgery and refuses the administration of blood products. Which course of action is most appropriate in the event of significant intraoperative blood loss?

a) Administration of packed red cells in the recovery

b) Administration of hydroxyethyl starch

c) Administration of packed cells immediately.

d) Intraoperative autologous blood donation

Answer: (b)


Question: There is a photo of leg ulcer medial side of the leg with dark discoloration blue color extending to a large area of the leg. I saw some yellow crusts surrounding the ulcer, the ulcer itself was above the medial malleolus, patient has Hx of DVT, DM long standing, peripheral pulses absent, asking about the cause of discoloration?

a. diabetic tic ulcer

b. venous ulcer

c. arterial ulcer

d. L hemosiderin deposition

e. bleeding into the muscle layers

Answer: (d)


Question: large ulcer on medial side of leg around ankle looked like venous, with a history of non-healing for 12 months, mx?

A. Leg elevation and rest for 2 weeks

B. Topical antibiotic

C. Topical debridement with enzymatic ointment

Answer: (a)


Question: Male with features of cld has moderate ascites and edema on both side upto knees what is initial appropriate management?

a. Salt and fluid restrictions (ox 260)

b. Spironolactone and furosemide

c. Lactulose

Answer: (a)

Remember that these questions are for practice purposes only and may not reflect the exact format or content of the AMC examination.

It is advised to study a wide range of medical information and clinical abilities in order to get ready for the AMC CAT exam.  Reviewing medical texts, taking review classes, and exercising with practise tests can all be helpful.  It’s also a good idea to become familiar with the layout and structure of the exam to get a better idea of what to expect and when.

I advise  checking the Australian  Medical  Council's official website or getting in touch with them directly for  any available resources  or study materials if you want the most recent and  accurate information regarding the AMC  CAT exam.

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