AMC (Australian Medical Council Computer Adaptive Test Examination) Sample Questions Set-37

Categories: AMC (Australian Medical Council Computer Adaptive Test Examination)

Question: A 42 year-old secretary has lost her job because, due to her perfectionism and excessive attention to trivial details, she could never finish an assignment on time. She writes innumerable lists of things to be done and follows rules scrupulously. She consistently annoys friends and family members with her lack of flexibility remarks. What is the best treatment for her?

a. Psychodynamic Psychotherapy

b. Olanzapine

c. Venlafaxine

d. CBT

e. Exposure & response Therapy

Answer: (a)


Question: Patient has neck pain after an injury. He can't extend and rotate neck. His neck flexion is normal. What will confirm the diagnosis?

A. pain in extension of neck

B. pain in lateral rotation

C. tenderness over the neck

Answer: (b)


Question: A 38 year old Patient came in with fever, previously for a major operation Doctor gave him G/A. Now he came with back pain swelling tender, red area in the back, discharging fluid from back, now he has problem with urination Dx?

A. spinal cord compression

B. epidural abscess

C. S/E of previous G/A

Answer: (b)


Question: 63 year old with pain on the left side of the head, pain increases on the right when he lies down on the left side, previously treated from jaw pain. Investigation?


B. HLA 627

C. Blood culture

Answer: (a)


Question: A patient came with leg pain. Pain increases after 200 m walking. He cannot move his leg. Pain becomes worse at night. What sign makes the diagnosis.

A. tenderness over the greater trochanter

B. pain on internal rotation

Answer: (b)


Question: Ecg of wpw. HR 280, systolic pressure 105

A. Verapamil

B. Adenosine

C. Amiodarone

D. Digoxin

E. Lidocaine

Answer: (c)


Question: X-ray of foot, patient came with tenderness on the midfoot after jumping from a height. On X-ray, there were some fractures in the midfoot, Mx?

A. Refer to Orthopedics

B. Colles plaster backslab

C. Reassure and send home

D. Continue normal activity

Answer: (b)


Question: An old Patient with cataract had improved vision after surgery in post op. day 4 he woke up in the morning with a painful eye & blurred vision, what happened to this patient?

A. Conjunctivitis

B. Uveitis

C. suture infection & abscess

D. hypopyon

E. Acute glaucoma

Answer: (d)


Question: 3 people live in a room. They have an old gas stove. Now come with drowsiness dx?

A. NO2 poisoning

B. CO poisoning.

Answer: (b)


Question: A 26 year old male Forklift driver working in a confined space, having headache, lightheadedness, nausea and abdominal cramps. What to do next?

A. Check O2 saturation before giving O2.

B. Hyperbaric chamber O2 therapy.

C. Nasal prong O2 3L.

D. High flow O2 mask

Answer: (d)

Remember that these questions are for practice purposes only and may not reflect the exact format or content of the AMC examination.

It is advised to study a wide range of medical information and clinical abilities in order to get ready for the AMC CAT exam.  Reviewing medical texts, taking review classes, and exercising with practise tests can all be helpful.  It’s also a good idea to become familiar with the layout and structure of the exam to get a better idea of what to expect and when.

I advise  checking the Australian  Medical  Council's official website or getting in touch with them directly for  any available resources  or study materials if you want the most recent and  accurate information regarding the AMC  CAT exam.

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