AMC (Australian Medical Council Computer Adaptive Test Examination) Sample Questions Set-25

Categories: AMC (Australian Medical Council Computer Adaptive Test Examination)

Question: Scenario of head injury, GCS 10, PR 60/min, 110/70 1 hr drive to nearest tertiary hospital

A. CT head

B. Iv mannitol

C. Refer to tertiary hospital

Answer: (a)


Question: A 33 year old lady comes to consult you about her problem. She needed to count multiple of three for 13 times before igniting fire to start or stop her vehicle. She felt better after that but also felt bad that it disturbs her daily activities. What kind of psychotherapy will help you to relieve her sufferings

a. Psychodynamic psychotherapy

b. Interpersonal therapy

c. Exposure and response reduction

d. Graduated exposure therapy

e. Cognitive behavioural therapy

Answer: (e)


Question: A 22 year old male who has been diagnosed as schizophrenic since 19 years of age, on clozapine mg and well stabilized with drugs, but he spends 15 hours per day for sleep and he also worries about sedation. What will be your initial management?

A. Add risperidone

B. Increase clozapine

C. Decrease clozapine

D. Add sodium valproate

E. Add methylphenidate

Answer: (a)


Question: A 86 years old man who is brought to ER due to his recent aggression towards his roommate, he is on diuretics, OHA, some drugs and he complains of seeing soldiers in his room.  Which in history will help you for diagnosis?

A. His pre existing visual impairment

B. Drugs taking history

C. His pre existing cognitive impairment

Answer: (c)


Question: An old lady came to consult you for a medical review. She has been in pension for 8 years because of her behavior, she has been practicing naturopathy and being a fortune teller, she used to spend time with a regular client who has the same interest as her. She is also suffering from bodily pain. She now said she is being persecuted by a staff from a government office and who told she must either see the medical review or if not, her pension be affected. Which in history will be important for a worse prognosis?

A. Her interpersonal relationship

B. Character and intensity of her beliefs

C. Her somatic symptoms

Answer: (a)


Question: Young man who is an marijuana user was brought to the ER. He said he has been attacked by Underground gangs and police are also following him. His friend said he used amphetamine a long time ago. Which of the following is most dangerous for him?

A. Cardiotoxicity from amphetamine use

B. Gangsters attack

C. Police

D. Two drugs abuse

Answer: (d)


Question: A guy after coming back from a trip suffering from chronic diarrhea, no blood and mucus for 7 months, weight loss for 6 kg but appetite is good, stool is greasy and fat globules are seen, He has undergone repeated tests for enteropathic organisms and all negative, also antigliadin and antiendomysial tests negative, his B12 and iron level are also normal. What is most appropriate next management?

A. Colonoscopy and biopsy

B. Serum immunoglobulins


D. Small bowel biopsy

Answer: (d)


Question:  A young man comes for a routine medical check up for insurance . All examinations are normal but urine dipstick protein 1+ but no hematuria. What is your next appropriate management?

A. 24 hour urinary protein

B. serum electrolytes and urea creatinine

C. repeat urine check in early morning

D. Intravenous pyelography

E. CT abdomen

Answer: (c)


Question: 33 year old lady comes with a lump in the left side of neck for 3 months, which is found to be 3 cm size papillary CA with no metastatic spread. What is your most appropriate management?

A. total thyroidectomy

B. left thyroid lobectomy

C. I 131 ablation

D. I 131 followed by surgery

E. suppression with thyroxine

Answer: (a)


Question: A 68 year old lady with urinary incontinence on coughing and staining, she is obese with diet controlled DM. Her urodynamic studies are positive in low volume study. She has a mild rectocele but no cystocele. She has been advised to do pelvic floor exercise which she found to have some improvement but she feels socially embarrassed for urinary incontinence. What would be your best next management?

A. weighted vaginal cones

B. weight reduction

C. colposuspension

Answer: (c)

Some  general information about the AMC CAT  examination:

The International MedicalGraduates Clinical Assessment Test (AMC CAT) is a computer-based test designedto evaluate the clinical knowledge and abilities of IMGs who are applying forregistration to practise medicine in Australia. Multiple-choice tests coveringa wide range of medical topics make up this thorough and rigorous evaluation.

It is advised to study a widerange of medical information and clinical abilities in order to get ready forthe AMC CAT exam. Reviewing medical texts, taking review classes, andexercising with practise tests can all be helpful. It's also a good idea tobecome familiar with the layout and structure of the exam to get a better ideaof what to expect and when.

I advise checking the AustralianMedical Council's official website or getting in touch with them directly forany available resources or study materials if you want the most recent andaccurate information regarding the AMC CAT exam.

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