AMC (Australian Medical Council Computer Adaptive Test Examination) Sample Questions Set-11

Categories: AMC (Australian Medical Council Computer Adaptive Test Examination)

Question: 35 weeks pregnant woman with previous minor bleeding, presents with a breech presentation. Which of the following is the management?

A. EVC now

B. ECV at after 2 wks

C. C.S at 35 weeks

D. C.S at 39 weeks

E. Vaginal breech delivery

Answer: (b)


Question: 37 yr old pregnant lady with mild pre-eclampsia for induction of labour. Bishop scored 2. What will you do?

A. Elective LUCS

B. Induction with PGE 1 and ARM after 4 hours

C. Induction with PGE 2 and ARM after 12 hours

D. Urgent LUCS

E. Syntocinon infusion

Answer: (c)


Question: A 4 years old girl. Mother noticed blood in her underwear for 10 days. On examination, there is a small amount of blood stained in vulva. What is your first step in management? Not developed any pubic hair and no breast development.

a) Report child protective service immediately for sexual abuse.

b) Microscopic blood culture of the Swab from the vulva

c) oral Amoxicillin

d. cease bubble bath

e. examination under anaesthesis

Answer: (e)


Question: A 55 yrs old man having hematuria and CT abdomen reveals renal mass 5 cm in upper lobe. Mx?

a. surgery

b. percutaneous biopsy

c. Observation

Answer: (a)


Question: You receive a call from the brother of an inpatient who is under your care. He says that his sister has told him that she will commit suicide in the hospital tomorrow. He also says not to inform his sister that he told you this. What will be your most appropriate action?

A. Ask brother to ask his sister to talk about her plans with you

B. Inform police

C. Involve legal advisor

D. Discuss with the patient about what the brother told you

E. Don’t do anything as the brother has asked to maintain confidentiality

Answer: (c)


Question: A 40 yrs old woman on COPD for 8 years. She is a smoker and her BP is high. She doesn't want to get off pills. What is your advice?

A. Stop pills and rely on condom

B. Copper IUD

C. Implanon


Answer: (d)


Question: a man comes to the ER with sudden severe chest pain which he developed after an acute bout of vomiting. on examination there is dullness to percussion on left lower lung lobe. which will help you in diagnosis

A. gastrograffin swallow

B. ct non contrast

C. esophagoscopy


Answer: (a)


Question: A child with fever and hx of sore throat. He developed pain in wrist and later developed arthralgia and swelling in ankle joint. Fever and skin rash present on back. What's the most initial step of management ?

a. ESR

b. Full blood examination

c. throat swab

d. USG

Answer: (b)


Question: Man comes with clumsiness of hands and tripping over.upper limb weakness and fasciculations. The lower limb also has weakness and increased tendon reflexes. Ankle reflex is not increased on one wasting no sensory loss. initial inv


B. mri spine

C. cervical cray

D. ct scan

Answer: (b)


Question: Patient with a history of cll, on fludarabine, cyclophosphamide, rituximab. Presents two days back with fever and rigors. Mild pneumonia was diagnosed. started meropenem and azithromycin. Now developed rash (maculopapular on abdomen not widely spread). What investigation:

A. bone marrow examination.

B. skin biopsy

C. drug allergy test

D. immunofluorescence

Answer: (b)

Some  general information about the AMC CAT  examination:

The International MedicalGraduates Clinical Assessment Test (AMC CAT) is a computer-based test designedto evaluate the clinical knowledge and abilities of IMGs who are applying forregistration to practise medicine in Australia. Multiple-choice tests coveringa wide range of medical topics make up this thorough and rigorous evaluation.

It is advised to study a widerange of medical information and clinical abilities in order to get ready forthe AMC CAT exam. Reviewing medical texts, taking review classes, andexercising with practise tests can all be helpful. It's also a good idea tobecome familiar with the layout and structure of the exam to get a better ideaof what to expect and when.

I advise checking the AustralianMedical Council's official website or getting in touch with them directly forany available resources or study materials if you want the most recent andaccurate information regarding the AMC CAT exam.

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