AMC (Australian Medical Council Computer Adaptive Test Examination) Sample Questions Set-14

Categories: AMC (Australian Medical Council Computer Adaptive Test Examination)

Question: A woman whose son beats him and is a drug dealer. Which of the following advice is helpful regarding this woman’s safety?

a. Tell her you are obliged to tell the police

b. Ask her to go to women's refuge center

c. tell her she must inform the police

Answer: (b)


Question: A man comes to the ER with sudden severe chest pain which he developed after an acute bout of vomiting. On examination there is dullness to percussion on the left lower lobe. Which of the following will help you identify the diagnosis?

a. Gastrograffin swallow

b. CT scan non contrast

c. oesophagoscopy

Answer: (a)


Question: 7 days old infant presented to you complained with poor feeding and bile stained vomiting. His birth was at 38 weeks gestation and weighed 2600g. He is breastfeeding with no immediate postnatal complications. The child has a history of passing meconium on day 4 of birth. Now, he had mild jaundice and abdominal distension present. What is the appropriate diagnosis?


A. Meconium Ileus

B. Hirschsprung's Disease

C. Duodenal Atresia

D. Necrotizing Enterocolitis

E. Volvulus


Question: Young girls 9 years of age with history of recurrent URTI presented after sore throat. Urinalysis showed blood (+), proteinuria (+). Now she came after one week. Urinalysis is unchanged except for Blood (+) which is non-glomerular and there are no casts in the urine. Which of the following is the next best investigation?

a. Urine culture


c. Ultrasound

d. IVP

e. asot

Answer: (b)


Question: 35-patient with type 2 diabetes on metformin 500 mg came to routine health checkup, lab investigation was done showed as follows:

Test result:

Random blood sugar 5.6 (4.5-6.5)

Cholesterol (within normal)

HbA1c 6.9% (normal<6.5%)

Urine dipstick trace of protein


What is your most appropriate next step in management?

A. Commence insulin

B. increase metformin

C. commence Ramipril

D. add simvastatin

E. continue same treatment

Answer: (c)


Question: A 39 weeks pregnant lady came with labour pain. She was put in the left lateral position having an oxygen mask in place. iv fluids with syntocinon are running. Ctg was done which shows a heart rate of 140 which dropped to 70 and came back to 140 in 4 min. Asking for the next appropriate treatment.

A. Fetal scalp sampling

B. Continuous ctg monitoring

C. Stop syntocinon

D. C section

Answer: (d)


Question: Patient present with decompensated liver failure with decreased serum albumin, ascites. No features of hepatic encephalopathy. What will you give?

A. Lactulose

B. Spironolactone

C. Fluid restriction

D. Concentrated albumin

Answer: (d)


Question: Mother Hep C positive. What to avoid during pregnancy to avoid transmission in infants?

A. breastfeeding

B. vaginal delivery

C. Antivirals in pregnancy

D. Fetal scalp sample

Answer: (d)


Question: Man on multiple drugs including ramipril which he was taking for 2 years. Thiazide, which he was taking for 3 years, developed swelling in tongue with difficulty breathing. The swelling started yesterday. He had started taking amoxicillin 3 days ago. Which of the following is responsible for the man’s condition?


b. Thiazides

c. Amoxicillin

Answer: (a)


Question: A woman comes to your clinic. She was prescribed trifluoperazine for her condition. She was taking it for 3 years with improvement of her condition. She says that she discontinued taking her medication for the last 3 weeks because her doctor was not present because he was on a trip, she also said that trifluoperazine makes her hand or some muscle part stiffy, rigid and restless. Now she presents with voices in her head. What is the most appropriate initial choice management?

A. trifluoperazine

B. risperidone

C. quetiapine

D. resp depot

E. stop trifluoperazine


Question: A woman on multiple drugs one of them was digoxin, she presented with central abdominal pain and tenderness, her pulse was irregular. Apart from ct what is most appropriate for the next investigation?

A. Abdomen USG

B. Serum Lipase

C. Serum lactate

D. Digoxin level

Answer: (c)

Some  general information about the AMC CAT  examination:

The International MedicalGraduates Clinical Assessment Test (AMC CAT) is a computer-based test designedto evaluate the clinical knowledge and abilities of IMGs who are applying forregistration to practise medicine in Australia. Multiple-choice tests coveringa wide range of medical topics make up this thorough and rigorous evaluation.

It is advised to study a widerange of medical information and clinical abilities in order to get ready forthe AMC CAT exam. Reviewing medical texts, taking review classes, andexercising with practise tests can all be helpful. It's also a good idea tobecome familiar with the layout and structure of the exam to get a better ideaof what to expect and when.

I advise checking the AustralianMedical Council's official website or getting in touch with them directly forany available resources or study materials if you want the most recent andaccurate information regarding the AMC CAT exam.

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