AMC (Australian Medical Council Computer Adaptive Test Examination) Sample Questions Set-1

Categories: AMC (Australian Medical Council Computer Adaptive Test Examination)

Question: 43 years man known case of COPD with 20 cigarettes per day since 18 years of age. Tried to stop 4 times last year. smoke 5 mins after waking up. Have strong family history of smoking. What factor is an important indicator to stop smoking or to start nicotine replacement therapy?

A. Family history

B. Duration of smoking

C. Time of cessation

D. First time smoking for the day

E. pulmonary disease

Answer: (d)


Question: A young man complained, he noticed a swelling in his groin after lifting weight yesterday. On examination there was a 1cm defect in the inguinal area with fat protruding in the inguinal canal. On ultrasound, the defect is protruded from a deep inguinal ring (direct inguinal hernia). What will be the next appropriate treatment?

A. Reassurance

B. Herniorrhaphy

C. Herniotomy

D. open mesh repair

Answer: (d)


Question: Diabetes ulcer on the foot pic. diabetic pt, non healing ulcer, pic 2 ulcers in medial malleolus, and foot pulses not palpable. X ray already done. What to do for Mx?

A. blood culture

B. white cell scan

C. swab from ulcer

D. arterial duplex USG

E. MRI foot

Answer: (d)


Question: A girl just started her sexual life, asking for your advice.

A. do chlamydia screening 6 monthly

B. do all STI screening every year

C. cervical screening start from 25 years of age

Answer: (c)


Question: Post operative pt, oliguric with indwelling catheter, fever 38.5, what is ur most appropriate management?

A. abd x ray

B. bl culture

C. serum electrolytes and Cr

D. abd us

Answer: (b)


Question: post operative pt, oliguric with indwelling catheter, no fever,  what is ur most appropriate management?

A. abd x ray

B. bl culture

C. serum electrolytes and Cr

D. abd us

E. Diverticulitis ct scan Mx

Answer: (c) Gut rest and antibiotic



Question: Lady will join the permanent night shift. take a balanced diet, mildly fair skinned, participate in outdoor games. come regarding her concern about vit D as she will not have enough daylight exposure due to her job. What will be our course of action regarding this lady?

A. measure her vit D status after 6 months

B. add vit D rich food with her balanced diet

C. give her vit D supplement

D. Give soralin

E. REASSURE her diet will be enough for her

Answer: (a)


Question:  Female patient whose husband died 2 weeks ago. She is  having  symptoms and says she looks at her husband in bed when she wakes up. During the interview she cries and is tearful. What will tell her?

A. Counsel about normal grief

B. tell her bereavement

Answer: (a)

The structure of a computeradaptive test and the types of questions it might contain in general:

International medical graduates(IMGs) who want to practise medicine in Australia must pass the computer-basedAMC CAT exam. It is intended to evaluate candidates' clinical knowledge andskills.

The AMC CAT is an adaptivetest, so depending on how well you perform, the questions' level of difficultywill change. The following question might be slightly more complex if yourespond right, however a wrong response might result in a less difficultquestion.

A wide range of medicalsubjects are covered on the exam, including clinical knowledge, basic sciences,and medical ethics. The questions are frequently provided in a multiple-choiceformat, and you must choose the best response from the available choices.

Here are some generalillustrations of the kinds of queries you might see:

1. Clinical Experience:

A 45-year-old man comes incomplaining of left arm and chest pain. Rest and nitroglycerin both help toease the pain. The favoured diagnosis is:

a) Myocardial infarction

b) Angina pectoris

c) Gastroesophageal refluxdisease

d) Pericarditis

2. General Science:

Which of the following hormonesis principally in charge of controlling blood sugar levels?

a) Insulin

b) Glucagon

c) Adrenaline

d) Cortisol

3. Health Ethics:

A 30-year-old pregnant lady isdiscovered to have a serious illness that needs to be treated right now. Theadvised course of action, though, might be harmful to the foetus. What is thebest course of action to take?

A) carry out the procedure to save the mother's life

B) postpone the procedure until after birth

C) consult with another doctor for a second opinion

D) go over the pros and cons with the patient and involveher in the decision-making process

Please keep in mind that thesesamples are hypothetical in nature and might not accurately represent the levelof difficulty or subject matter of the AMC CAT questions. For a more accuratedepiction of the exam, it is advised to consult the official study guides and resourcesoffered by the Australian Medical Council.

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