AMC (Australian Medical Council Computer Adaptive Test Examination) Sample Questions Set-4

Categories: AMC (Australian Medical Council Computer Adaptive Test Examination)

Question: COPD with respiratory distress in ed. Sats 88% on oxygen. Patient known case of chronic lung disease, Heavy smoker, drinks alcohol,presents with chronic cough, dyspneic and speaks in phrases. on examination bilateral wheeze with basal crackles. What Initial investigation should you perform?

A. Spirometry

B. Pefr

C. Ct chest

D. Abgs

Answer: (d)


Question: Man with scenario of claudication in left calf. On the exam, all peripheral pulses are palpable on the right side. Left side all pulses are palpable but dorsalis pedis weak and hardly palpable. Bilateral weakness of ankle reflex and loss of sensation in foot. side ABI on right side 1, left 0.75. Appropriate investigation?

A. Conventional angiogram

B. CT angiogram

C. CT spine


E. Arterial Doppler

Answer: (b)


Question: Patient came in with a fracture in severe pain. You ordered opioid analgesic for him. When you come back to review the patient, he is still in severe pain. The nurse decided the patient does not need an opioid and gave him paracetamol. After giving the patient morphine for pain relief what is your next immediate step?

A. Write an incident report

B. Report to nurse supervisor

C. Request nurse to take medication dispensation lessons

D. Bring it up in the next team meeting

Answer: (b)


Question: 4 years old child having bed time wetting. He had been dry in the daytime since 2 years of age. No other symptoms. Parents are worried. What to do?

A. desmopressin spray

B. fluid restriction

C. sodium valproate

D. reassure

Answer: (d)


Question: A young man had MVA and he had multiple fractured ribs followed by hoarseness of voice. CXR revealed wide mediastinum. What to do next?

A. Echocardiography

B. Ct chest

C. 24 hr BP monitoring

D. Angiography

Answer: (a)


Question: 6 days old child,vomiting,mixed jaundice head circumference at 2 percentile, hepatosplenomegaly no eye cataract next

A. U/s of abdomen

B. Barium swallow

C. Karyotyping

D. Urine test for virus

Answer: (d)


Question: hereditary spherocytosis child with urti pale no jaundice. Investigation- low Hb, low platelet cause:

A. Adenovirus

B. Parvovirus

Answer: (b)


Question: Old male brought to ED with many drugs antihypertensive, statin,oxycodone, methadone, paracetamol. on exams constricted pupils. What is important to assay in this patient?

A. Methadone

B. Oxydone

C. Statin

D. Paracetamol

Answer: (d)


Question: Old ccf pt went on trip forgot to get medicine now edema upto knee lung

A. normal

B. Recommence all drugs

C. Ramipril

Answer: (b)


Question: A young woman in her 1 month postpartum period came with a cracked nipple and hot tender area on the lower part of left breast. What to do? Her dx cracked nipple with mastitis

A. Express milk and discard

B. Continue breastfeeding

C. Bottle feed baby with expressed milk

D. Early winning of the baby

E. stop breastfeeding


Answer: (b)

Some general  information about the AMC CAT examination:

The InternationalMedical Graduates Clinical Assessment Test (AMC CAT) is a computer-based testdesigned to evaluate the clinical knowledge and abilities of IMGs who areapplying for registration to practise medicine in Australia. Multiple-choicetests covering a wide range of medical topics make up this thorough andrigorous evaluation.

It is advised to studya wide range of medical information and clinical abilities in order to getready for the AMC CAT exam. Reviewing medical texts, taking review classes, andexercising with practise tests can all be helpful. It's also a good idea tobecome familiar with the layout and structure of the exam to get a better ideaof what to expect and when.

I advise checking theAustralian Medical Council's official website or getting in touch with themdirectly for any available resources or study materials if you want the mostrecent and accurate information regarding the AMC CAT exam.

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