AMC (Australian Medical Council Computer Adaptive Test Examination) Sample Questions Set-12

Categories: AMC (Australian Medical Council Computer Adaptive Test Examination)

Question: Old woman 75 years old is admitted to the hospital following a community acquired pneumonia.  She received antibiotics and is well on the 4th she suddenly develops rigours, chills and high grade fever. What is the most likely diagnosis?

A. Hosp acquired pneumonia

B. Iv cannula related bacteraemia

C. Empyema

D. Pulmonary embolism

Answer: (a)


Question: A case of spontaneous rupture of membrane at term. Now the cervix is 8cm dilated and heads at the ischial spine. CTG shows heart dropping to 70 for 3 minutes with baseline heart rate 110 bpm. What next?

a. Fetal scalp ph

b. Immed CS

c. Ventouse delivery

d. CTG

Answer: (b)


Question: Non-Australian patient admitted for #femur & ribs after car accident. He was driving a stolen car, which turned over while being chased by police. Someone was killed in the accident. He is aggressive, argumentative and demanding to smoke. Later, threatens that he will assault staff, discharge himself & will go to his embassy & complain about inappropriate behavior of the hospital. What will you do after his last action?

A. Discharge immediately to police custody

B. Refer to nearest medical ward with correctional facility

C. insist rather he use nicotine patch

D. Tell the embassy about his expired temporary visa

E. allow him to smoke in smokers room safely away from other patients

Answer: (a)


Question: Young man with dizziness and fainting attack during exercise in school but otherwise normal during the day, no family history of such findings. What is the most relevant to see on examination?


A. heart rate less than 50

B. BP 90/50

C. continuous machinery murmur

D. systolic murmur on right upper sternum

E. may be S3 sound or other option not sure

Answer: (d)


Question: Patient with decreased Hb with cyclical menorrhagia. Hysteroscopy and D and C done. Both are normal. Wts next

a. levonorgestrel releasing IUCD

b. progesterone from day 15-25 of cycle

c. oral tranexamic study


Answer: (c)


Question: A 48 yr lady in abaya came for a pap screen, apart from pap which screening test would you do? No family history or co morbids.

A. Mammography

B. The

C. Vitamin D

Answer: (c)



Question: post operative pt, oliguric wz indwelling catheter, fever 38.5, what is ur most appropriate management?

A. abd x ray

B. bl culture

C. serum electrolytes and Cr

D. abd us

Answer: (d)


Question: 9 years old child with long term asthma controlled with SABA and steroid inhaler. During the blood test ketones and high sugar were found. His random blood sugar is 8 g/dl. What test for follow up?



C. HBA1c

Answer: (c)


Question: Patient complaining of soreness on lateral epicondyle at the end of work, the patient attributes it due to computer mouse clicking. On examination, tenderness on lateral epicondyle. Asking treatment?

A. lateral epicondylectomy

B. finger immobilization splint

C. lateral epicondyle immobilization splint

D. bracing under lateral epicondyle

Answer: (d)

Some  general information about the AMC CAT  examination:

The International MedicalGraduates Clinical Assessment Test (AMC CAT) is a computer-based test designedto evaluate the clinical knowledge and abilities of IMGs who are applying forregistration to practise medicine in Australia. Multiple-choice tests coveringa wide range of medical topics make up this thorough and rigorous evaluation.

It is advised to study a widerange of medical information and clinical abilities in order to get ready forthe AMC CAT exam. Reviewing medical texts, taking review classes, andexercising with practise tests can all be helpful. It's also a good idea tobecome familiar with the layout and structure of the exam to get a better ideaof what to expect and when.

I advise checking the AustralianMedical Council's official website or getting in touch with them directly forany available resources or study materials if you want the most recent andaccurate information regarding the AMC CAT exam.

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