AMC (Australian Medical Council Computer Adaptive Test Examination) Sample Questions Set-9

Categories: AMC (Australian Medical Council Computer Adaptive Test Examination)

Question: Man recently migrated to Australia and married people who say that people in his country are after him to kill him.  What to check in the collateral hx to reach Dx?

A. family hx of MOOD disorder

B. Low sociability in the primary school

C. immigration visa status

D. the truth of his fear

E. Hx of physical trauma

Answer: (a)


Question: pt comes with palpitation on exam BP 160/100, in home bp was in range of 120/100 to 149/100 mm for 2 month, what to do to improve health condition

A. Continue exercise and Review in 3month

B. Review in 1yr

C.  Start enalapril

D. Echo

E. 24hr BP measurement

Answer: (e)


Question: Pregnant dx with genital herpes, had to do catheter for urinary retention, mgt?

A. Topical acyclovir

B. oral acyclovir

C. IV acyclovir

Answer: (b)


Question: young woman with polyarthritis.


B. Topical acyclovir

Answer: (a)


Question: 12hr Post op patient of hemicolectomy, agitated, trying to get out of bed, removing all IV infusion, BP90/60,Pulse 100,SaO2 is 86% in room air. After giving oxygen by face mask, X-ray given, what is next:

A.  Droperidol

B. Blood glucose level

C. CT endotracheal intubate

D. IV antibiotics

Answer: (a)


Question: Pt comes with cogwheel rigidity and bradykinesia at present and he was treated with risperidone for visual hallucinations. Diagnosis:

a) parkinsonism

b) lewy body dementia

Answer: (b)


Question: LSIL on pap 6 months ago. Today pap is taken again for testing. What advice for hpv vaccines?

A. No need

B. Depends on hpv serology result

C. Depends on hpv culture result

D. vaccines now

E. depend on today’s pap result

Answer: (e)


Question:  Doctor after the night shift from the emergency department went to the bar. He found his colleagues there and some were having illicit drugs. They have to go to hospital for duty 2 hours later. What will you do?

A. Report to director of emergency department

B. Tell directly to those colleagues

C. Leave and said nothing

D. Inform APHRA

Answer: (a)


Question: 78 YO, admitted for something or presented idk,diagnosed with ca caecum, The surgeon said the only way to tx is to operate (in a more sophisticated way). lady's MMSE- 20/30 (>24). same details given. but one of her daughters wanted to ask u if it is fair to operate on this mentally something patient but u have talked to the pt about the condition n she said yes to operate. What to do?

a. as pt not able to give consent dnt operate

b. call for family meeting with surgeon

c. pt has give consent ,go for sx

d. listen to daughter n not do sx as she has the attorny or smthn

Answer: (c)


Question: A 29-year-old woman has been treated with sertraline 50mg daily for the past five weeks. She had initially presented with a four week history of bouts of crying, insomnia, tiredness and weight loss as well as a general loss of interest in her family, friends and her job. Her symptoms had followed the break up of a long term relationship and have improved with the treatment. She is now complaining of persistent abdominal discomfort over the past month. Which one of the following is the best initial management strategy at this stage?

A. Switch to another selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressant

B. Switch to a selective noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor (SNRI) antidepressant.

C. Switch to a tricyclic antidepressant.

D. Stop the sertraline immediately

E. Augment the sertraline with a mood stabilizer.

Answer: (a)

Some  general information about the AMC CAT  examination:

The International MedicalGraduates Clinical Assessment Test (AMC CAT) is a computer-based test designedto evaluate the clinical knowledge and abilities of IMGs who are applying forregistration to practise medicine in Australia. Multiple-choice tests coveringa wide range of medical topics make up this thorough and rigorous evaluation.

It is advised to study a widerange of medical information and clinical abilities in order to get ready forthe AMC CAT exam. Reviewing medical texts, taking review classes, andexercising with practise tests can all be helpful. It's also a good idea tobecome familiar with the layout and structure of the exam to get a better ideaof what to expect and when.

I advise checking the AustralianMedical Council's official website or getting in touch with them directly forany available resources or study materials if you want the most recent andaccurate information regarding the AMC CAT exam.

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