Pulled Neck Muscle Can’t Turn Head

Categories: HEALTH

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The discomfort and immobility associated with a pulled neck muscle, sometimes referred to as a neck strain or neck sprain, can be awful. The inability to comfortably turn your head is one of the most typical signs of this illness. This article will examine the origins, signs, and efficient treatments for a pulled neck muscle that prevents you from turning your head.


Understanding a Pulled Neck Muscle


1. What Causes a Pulled Neck Muscle?


When the neck's muscles or tendons are stretched or torn, a pulled neck muscle results. There are several causes for this, including:


a. Sudden or forceful head movements

b. Poor posture

c. Sleeping in an awkward position

d. Lifting heavy objects incorrectly

e. Sports-related injuries

f. Whiplash from a car accident


Recognizing the Symptoms


One of the most noticeable signs of a torn neck muscle is the inability to tilt your head without experiencing pain. Other typical signs include:


a. Neck pain and stiffness

b. Muscle spasms in the neck

c. Swelling and tenderness

d. Headaches originating from the neck

e. Pain that may radiate down the arm or into the shoulder


Managing a Pulled Neck Muscle


Immediate First Aid


To prevent further injury and relieve pain, it's critical to act right away if you believe you have pulled a neck muscle:


a. Rest: Limit neck motions and abstain from any activities that make the pain worse.

b. Ice: For the first 48 hours, apply an ice pack covered in a cloth to the injured area for 15-20 minutes each hour. This will aid in minimising edoema.

c. Over-the-counter pain relievers: Ibuprofen and paracetamol are examples of over-the-counter pain relievers that can help control pain and reduce inflammation. Always adhere to the dosing instructions.


Seeking Medical Attention


It's important to see a doctor if the pain is severe, lasts for more than a few days, or is accompanied by other unsettling symptoms like numbness, tingling, or weakness in the arms. They might suggest:


a. Physical therapy: To increase neck strength and flexibility, a physical therapist can recommend stretches and exercises.

b. Prescription medication: In some cases, stronger pain medications or muscle relaxants may be necessary.

c. Imaging tests: To rule out more severe problems such herniated discs, X-rays or MRI scans may be utilised.


Recovery and Rehabilitation


Neck Exercises for Recovery

It's crucial to start doing mild exercises to build strength and flexibility as your neck starts to heal. Before starting any workout programme, speak with your doctor or physical therapist. Some activities that can be beneficial are:


a. Neck tilts: Hold the position for 15 to 30 seconds while slowly tilting your head to one side and bringing your ear towards your shoulder. On the opposite side, repeat.

b. Neck rotations: Gently turn your head to the left and right, holding for a few seconds on each side.

c. Neck stretches: Hold each stretch for 15 to 30 seconds as you tilt your head forward, backward, and in all directions.

d. Neck isometrics: Place your hand against your forehead and press your head forward while resisting with your hand. Hold for a few seconds and repeat on the sides and back of your head.


Restorative Therapies

Several restorative therapies can hasten recuperation in addition to workouts:


a. Heat therapy: Applying a warm compress or heating pad to your neck can help relax tight muscles and increase blood flow.

b. Massage therapy: The neck and shoulders can have distinct tension points that a trained massage therapist can work on.

c. Acupuncture: This traditional Chinese therapy can provide pain relief and promote healing.


Preventing Future Injuries


Maintaining Proper Posture


A typical cause of strained neck muscles is poor posture. Watch your posture when standing, sitting, and using electronic gadgets to avoid future injuries. Purchase an ergonomic chair, and modify your desk as necessary.


Strengthening Neck Muscles


The risk of recurring neck strains can be decreased by regularly practising activities to strengthen your neck and upper back muscles. For a customised exercise schedule, speak with a physical therapist or personal trainer.




It might be uncomfortable and painful to have your neck muscle pulled and be unable to turn your head. However, the majority of people can totally recover with the right treatment, rest, and rehabilitation. Consult a medical expert for a full diagnosis and treatment plan if you believe you have a severe neck injury or if your symptoms continue. Take steps to maintain excellent posture and strengthen your neck muscles to lower the chance of future neck strains by keeping in mind that prevention is vital.

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