Business Law (MCQs) Set-3
Categories: Education
Q.1. ______ is a legal person which capable of perpetual succession and common seal
- Company
- Firm
- Voluntary Association
Answer: (A) Company
Q.2. Minimum ____ and maximum ____ constitute a private limited company
- 2 of 10
- 7 of unlimited
- 2 of 15
- 2 of 50
Answer: (D) 2 of 50
Q.3. _____ Company may be companies limited by shares companies limited guarantee, unlimited companies.
- Number of members
- Liability of members
- Registered
- Incorporation
Answer: (B) Liability of members
Q.4. The common seal of the company is the _____
- Official signature of the company
- Rights of the company
- General view of the company
- None of the above.
Answer: (A) Official signature of the company
Q.5. ______ refers to a voluntary association of individuals formed for the purpose of obtaining a particular social or economical goal.
- Illegal Association
- Partnership
- Incorporation
- Company
Answer: (D) Company
Q.6. Corporate veil ensures ______ of the company
- Protection
- Legal Immunity
- Both A and B
- None of the above.
Answer: (B) Legal Immunity
Q.7. Sec. _____ of the companies act states that, a public company making an issue of securities shall circulate information memorandum to the public before filling of a prospectus.
- 60(B)
- 60(a)
- 16(B)
- 16(a)
Answer: (A) 60(B)
Q.8. A printed copy articles as altered shall be filed by the company with the register within ______ of order of approval from central
- 3 months
- 6 months
- One month
- 2 month
Answer: (C) One month
Q.9. A company is said to be incorporated when it is registered with registrar of the ______ company
- Licensing
- Government
- Existing
- Joint stock
Answer: (D) Joint stock
Q.10. Prospectus must therefore make full and honest declaration of materials facts without concealing or omitting any relevant fact. This is known as _____
- Twiquant rule
- Golden rule
- General rule
- Special rule
Answer: (B) Golden rule