Course on Computer Concepts (CCC) MCQs

Categories: CCC

Q.1. DVD is an example of?

  1. Output device
  2. Input device
  3. Optical device
  4. None of these


Answer: C. Optical device


Q.2. Bank mitra is?

  1. Bank accountant
  2. Bank security guard
  3. Bank employees who work for customer
  4. None of these

Answer: C. Bank employees who work for customer


Q.3. An aadhar card get issued by?

  1. By UIDAI
  2. By Income tax department
  3. By Bank
  4. None of these

Answer: A. By UIDAI


Q.4 Simultaneous processing of two or more program by multiple processors is known as?

  1. Multitasking
  2. Multiprocessing
  3. Multiprogramming
  4. None of these


Answer: B. Multiprocessing


Q.5. Line spacing command in LibreOffice can be accessed on ____ Menu?

  1. Edit
  2. Format
  3. View
  4. Tools


Answer: B. Format


Q.6. The client program used to access Internet services and resources available through WWW (World Wide Web)?

  1. Web Browser
  2. ISP
  3. Web Server
  4. None of these


Answer: A. Web Browser


Q.7 “=ROUND(2.15,1) entered in a cell displays”

  1. 5
  2. 2
  3. 1
  4. 0


Answer: B. 2.2


Q.8. In which LAN Configuration is there a center node to which all others are connected?

  1. Ring topology
  2. Star topology
  3. Bus topology
  4. None of the above


Answer: B. Star topology


Q.9. _____ Number system is usually followed in typical 32-bit computer?

  1. Decimal
  2. Hexa decimal
  3. Binary
  4. Octal

Answer: C. Binary


Q.10 “=MOD(-3,2) entered in a cell displays”

  1. 0
  2. 1
  3. -1.5
  4. -1


Answer: B. 1